This post won’t be for everyone. But I’m pretty sure it will be for someone. Consider it a salve for the sisters who need less silent treatment and more Silent Night. Or a nod to those who secretly think Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is a catchy little tune. Woundedness landed us there. But it doesn’t
Show of hands: Where are the repeat offenders? The ones who did something to let God down and then you did it again. And then again. And maybe again. Tap. Tap. Tap. Is this thing on? Here. I’ll raise my hand first. Now, then. Where are the repeat offenders? We’re in good company. Jesus’ closest
“Hi,” the 11-year-old kid said, interrupting my morning walk with a one-syllable sledgehammer. It was just a nicety during a jog with his mom. I don’t think his voice had changed yet. He needed a haircut. I know he’s 11 because the summer his mom and I were 40-year-old swim team moms, our jokes about
Today is “Toss Away the ‘Could Haves’ and ‘Should Haves’ Day. In other words, it’s Laurie Davies Day. I kid, but kind of not really. Sometimes I feel like I am where leads go to die. Then other times, I see that I wasn’t ready for the leads that “died.” Parts of Laurie had to
Life sure adds up. Sometimes smiles, small wins, and simple joys create a composite of peace. Other times, setbacks lead to death by a thousand cuts. Where is God, we wonder. Could He just give me a break? Last week was one of those weeks. Tuesday, I deleted every last piece of video evidence that
Would it help you today to know it’s ok to laugh? That even in the insanity of daily headlines, we aren’t hopeless, and I do hope we’re not humorless. Just because the globe is uptight doesn’t mean God forgot His fun side. It’s everywhere. Here are a few places I see it: His creation The