Show of hands: Where are the repeat offenders? The ones who did something to let God down and then you did it again. And then again. And maybe again. Tap. Tap. Tap. Is this thing on? Here. I’ll raise my hand first. Now, then. Where are the repeat offenders? We’re in good company. Jesus’ closest
Why does new love come with so much exhaustion? I have a new puppy named Pearl. It’s a good thing she’s precious because my always-on, keep-her-from-destroying-stuff-or-hurting-herself posture has me running tired. I feel like a new mom, only there’s 20 more years of wear and tear this time around. Honestly, I feel like I’m running a
Forever, I’ve wanted to remodel my master bathroom, but it beat me to it. It remodeled me. What were the builders of my step-down shower thinking? Let’s drop a fifteen-square foot hole in the house, line it with slick ceramic tile, and not install grab bars. What could possibly go wrong? I’m sure the Turkish-bathhouse vibe
Are you in a season of waiting? Has the night gone on too long? Maybe you’re waiting to find out if it’s cancer. Waiting for God to give you an answer. Or that relationship still limps along, tattered and estranged. Or the mountain reveals a hidden ascent every time you’re spent and sweating and thought
If there’s one thing we need as we hop out of the dumpster fire of 2020 into the hope of 2021, it’s newness. New hearts. New wonder. New wineskins. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, but thank goodness we’re not. We’d stay stuck. We’d wander. We’d regress. We need someone loving to help
I can’t wait for Christmas. In a year of “I can’ts,” there’s almost a desperation when we say it. Like we need it. Like our lives depend on it. The earliest displays of holiday lights and nativity scenes went up in my neighborhood in October. October. Where I live, it’s 90 degrees in October. Sorry,