Tag: encouragement

I Just Wanted To Be Pretty in Pink

“I’m so sorry that happened to your pretty coat,” the flight attendant said, handing me a claim slip to submit to the airline. They’d have my brand new pink coat dry cleaned, she promised. I made the mistake of sticking it in the overhead bin, where items shift during flight and greasy hinges shift your Read More

Are You Waiting? Light Always Comes.

Are you in a season of waiting? Has the night gone on too long?  Maybe you’re waiting to find out if it’s cancer. Waiting for God to give you an answer. Or that relationship still limps along, tattered and estranged. Or the mountain reveals a hidden ascent every time you’re spent and sweating and thought Read More

Go Get Your Life

Chase the dream. Write the book. Say the apology. Forgive the offense. Say the hard yes. Say the hard no. Toss the fraud tapes. Play the God tapes. Rip the bandage off. Lance the wound. Pursue the healing. Put boundaries up. Put armor on. Put yourself out there. Make heaven crowded. Go get your life. Read More

Love Your Enemies? Maybe it’s that simple.

It’s loud out there. Invectives are flying faster than airplanes with middle seats open. Social media platforms have replaced masks as the new red and blue of politics. And we just limped into the arms of 2021 only to find we’re in a full nelson.  Our “unprecedented times” are becoming more precedented and so I’m Read More

10 Ways God Wants to Make You New

If there’s one thing we need as we hop out of the dumpster fire of 2020 into the hope of 2021, it’s newness. New hearts. New wonder. New wineskins.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, but thank goodness we’re not. We’d stay stuck. We’d wander. We’d regress. We need someone loving to help Read More

Kick mom guilt to the curb

Of all things to do me in. A permission slip. “I, the undersigned, parent or legal guardian for _________ , hereby grant permission and approval for the above child to attend the above mentioned off-campus school function. I furthermore release …” Why was everything instantly blurry? Why were the words “I furthermore release…” igniting all Read More

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