I wonder if anyone feels worthless today. Worth less at 50 than at 30. Worth less single than married. Worth less without the job title than with it. Worth. Less. If you’d like a rah-rah, straighten-your-crown soundbite, keep surfing the Internet, you’ll find it somewhere. But If you’d like an unabated truth bomb that transforms
What’s your happy place? Where have you felt loved and safe? My first and fast thought in response to this prompt, offered by my incomparable niece Catherine Baker of Together at the 2022 ReSet Retreat, was this: a two-story white farmhouse framed by rows of corn in Carlinville, Illinois. Norman Rockwell could have brought that
Very good. Maybe your teacher wrote it on your algebra test once. Maybe you’ve said it in a formal “very good, Sir” sort of way. But have you ever believed it was spoken over you? Personally. Intimately. Entirely. Very good. This was God’s view of His creation story after He’d woven humans into it. In
My family recently tuned in to a show featuring two comedians. One asked the other, “Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I don’t think I can do this?’” “Right up until the curtain opens,” the other comedian said without missing a beat. The other nodded his head, knowingly. “I don’t know why I even picked